Thursday, April 2, 2020

Organic Chemistry with the Help of Gibbs Free Energy

Organic Chemistry with the Help of Gibbs Free EnergyStudents who wish to study Organic Chemistry with the help of YouTube are urged to try out a free website by the organic chemistry tutor Gibbs Free Energy. Gibbs Free Energy has both visual and auditory media based tutorials on the various applications of the website that he is currently using. If you are a student who wants to improve your study techniques, then it is an option that you may consider.This website allows users to obtain an audio side of their usual tasks and has actually been utilized in the dental field since more than a decade. The use of audio tutorials will prove useful in Organic Chemistry as it can be done in one's own home or the other.On the video side of the website, videos are played by default. These videos will guide the students towards the learning materials and can be viewed at the same time.The videos are very user friendly and the program is well suited for all students and experts alike as the conte nt is always kept updated. Even while the videos are playing, the interactive map is also displaying various steps that can be used while doing the tutorial.When it comes to the exercises, there are many that can be found in the website that are designed to guide students towards the important instructions of the lesson. These exercises give a chance for the students to see and hear the subject matter of the Organic Chemistry material which is why they must be completed in a short time.The easy-to-use interface of the website makes it very convenient to get hold of the lessons without being too much involved in the task. Students are invited to register in the website so that they can be notified about the tools that will come in handy during the lessons.There are thousands of people that have taken up the organic chemistry tutorials provided by Gibbs Free Energy and it shows how popular this tutorial is. There are various lessons and exercises in the website and you may select the appropriate one for yourself.Videos are also available for the benefit of the students that provide them with detailed information regarding the subjects that are discussed on the videos. They are also able to find out ways in which they can enhance their learning with the help of videos and can therefore decide to utilize them in their own learning sessions.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Another Pre Pre SAT Test

Another Pre Pre SAT Test The College Board, the creators of the SAT, introduced a junior version of the exam for eighth graders in 2010 called the ReadiStep, according to an article in theNew York Times. The ReadiStep is a two-hour test and has questions written in the same style as the PSAT and the SAT. The test is scored 2-8 for each section, similar to the 20-80 score range on the PSAT and SAT. Nearly 250,000 students have already taken this test in the fall of 2010, most of whom are in Texas because the state education department offered to cover the tests $8 charge for every student as part of a larger college-readiness program. The College Board created this test to help schools and districts better measure middle school students potential not just on entrance exams but also for college-level work. ReadiStep is designed to be very similar to the PSAT and SAT, said Glenn B. Milewski, executive director of ReadiStep and the PSAT.It is essentially a learning tool. Its intended to help schools and districts improve their curricula and instructional practices. The PSAT is the qualifying exam for National Merit scholarships. However, opponents of the test are arguing that it creates a lot of unnecessary stress to many students at such a young age. Some believe that districts and states are becoming too obsessed with properly assessing students. They question this tests ability to properly determine how well a student will perform on the SAT four, five years down the road. Its just deceptive as can be, said W. James Popham, professor emeritus in the graduate school of education at the University of California, Los Angeles. It conveys the notion that your child has these strengths and weaknesses, when theres no way to tell. Popham is actually in favor of early testing for students, but not the ReadiStep. Some even believe that the College Board is trying to take advantage of over-zealous parents, hoping to get their students involved in the competitive college-application process early. Where does it stop? asked Louis J. Kruger, an associate professor in the school psychology program at Northeastern University in Boston. If you can prepare them in eighth grade, cant you prepare them even earlier than that? Theres already considerable stress and anxiety today in public school students in regard to being assessed, and the assessment as being a gateway to college. The test has three, 40-minute sections in mathematics, critical reading and writing. Students are scored 2-8 on each test with 2-2.9 being a low score and 6-8 being a high score. Students also receive suggestions on how to improve their learning based on their scores. The test is still too young to measure any of its results on students PSAT or SAT scores years later. However, students who take the PSAT twice scored about 120 points higher on average on the SATs three subsets than those who did not. Typically, students who take the PSAT multiple times are more dedicated to education than those who do not.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Find an Economics Tutor in Leeds

Find an Economics Tutor in Leeds Where Can You Find a Tutor For Economics in Leeds? ChaptersAnatomy of an Economics CourseThe Point of Elective CoursesWithin the Department of EconomicsFind a Tutor OnlineInvestigate Tutoring ServicesLeeds is reputed to have the most diverse economy in the entire UK, with over three-quarters of its workforce employed in the private sector.Even historically, this city has claimed its share of industry: flax, milling and textiles; this town was also a hotbed for engineering during the Industrial Revolution!After London, Leeds is the largest financial and legal centre in the UK, with insurance and financial services industries contributing nearly £15 billion annually to the local economy.Thus it comes as no surprise that there is more than one Economics programme offered at universities and colleges in Leeds.Are you working towards your Masters' degree through the University of Leeds Economics programme?Or are you still an undergraduate, earning your BSc at the fourth-best college in the UK for Economics, as ranked by the Guardian Univ ersity Guide: Leeds University Business School?Might you be so enthralled with the rules governing public policy that you are even preparing to sit your GCSEs in Economics?Either way, your chosen major is laden with complex math, ponderous ethics and more than a touch of social science.That sounds rather daunting. Can you make sense of it all, on your own?Academic tutoring or tutoring for test prep can break down complicated subject matter into digestible bites, so that you gain more than just a theoretical overview of what will likely become your life's work.Why not let Superprof help build your confidence by directing you to a qualified mentor?sitting A-level maths as well as economics.Year one of your economics studies will largely consist of mathematics and statistics.  In fact, you won't see an end to the math studies until the last year of your economics program!Thus we find that most econ students seek homework help or academic support in math and calculus.Beyond that most an xiety-engendering subject, the volume of writing required to prove understanding of economic theory and principles of economics is astounding.We'll discuss how to find math tutors and tutoring for essay writing in a bit.Fortunately, you will have plenty of electives to choose from to flesh out your degree, which will permit you to get away from statistical analysis and computation!The Point of Elective CoursesMany scholars, caught up in the grind of daily classes and a staggering homework load bemoan the fact that their degree plan cannot be satisfied with just core requirements.There is, in fact, an excellent reason for that, especially for Economics majors!Consider for a moment all of the aspects of the discipline:microeconomics and macroeconomicshow economics shape individuals, societies and the worldenvironmental economics: how local resources shape the economybehavioural economics studies the effect of the human experience on economic decisionsEconometrics: the quantitative ana lysis of actual economic phenomenaindustrial economics: the study of firms, industries and marketslabour economics: studying patterns of wages, employment and incomeThat last may be a vital area of study, considering the current focus on pay gaps between the genders!Dear Scholar, elective classes is where the rubber meets the road: where the study of economics gets gripping.After all, anyone who loves maths could make their mark in a variety of subjects: physics, engineering, chemistry, or even in the classroom as an algebra teacher.While studying elective courses assigned to economics programmes, you may find you are passionate about social justice and develop a determination to highlight inequity!Now, where can you find the tutelage you need to excel in your studies and succeed in your noble quest?You may also check bulletin boards for fliers advertising help with economics studies in your dorm lobby, in the Econ teaching building and in the library.Have you talked with anyone in the student union office? They might know of a study group; Economics majors who get together for a brainstorming session or to debate ideas on various subjects related to economics.If nothing else, they may be able to point you toward an apt pupil; an upperclassman with stunning academic achievements to his/her name.You may be concerned about a person who is not a certified teacher, helping you polish your study skills.That is because the UK does not have any regulation or qualification requirements for tutors.The rule of thumb is that the tutee should be at least one study level lower than the person administering tuition.Let us say you are preparing for your A-Levels in Economics. It would then be perfectly acceptable for a first-year college student to be your math or economics tutor.As long as you are comfortable with that arrangement, that is. If not, you may want to look elsewhere for private tutoring.You may find your ideal economics tutor online! Source: Pixabay Credit: Gra phic-MamateamFind a Tutor OnlineWe can say with some veracity that finding a tutor devoted to teaching Principles of Economics is not an easy task, even with the vast resources available online.Those pages that do list such specialised tutors generally also indicate a hefty price per hour!By contrast, Superprof tutors' median price per hour is £12. The available economics tutors in Leeds are all willing to come to you or teach you via webcam. Best of all: they offer their first hour of lessons free!Food for thought: as long as you are open to online tutoring, you could cast a wider net â€" find a tutor anywhere in the UK!Diversifying Your SearchInasmuch as the study of economics overwhelmingly consists of higher maths, perhaps you may be better served with a calculus tutor.Should that be the case, you will find a much larger selection of tutors to choose from, on the Superprof platform  and elsewhere.Conversely, you may be well-versed in maths but have trouble writing insightful pa pers that demonstrate your grasp of the subject matter: in that case you would search for writing tutors.There is one downside to one on one tutoring: you are only getting input from one person.If you are struggling to crystallize economics concepts and need others to bounce ideas off of, perhaps you wouldn't mind being tutored within a small group of other students.Should you not be confident your classmates would need the same, you may check out classes online...What Can a MOOC Do for You?MOOCs, or massive open online courses are online teaching platforms that cover a wide variety of topics; some related to economics.It might seem counterintuitive to take on more coursework when you are already so burdened. Still, you should consider the value of exploring resources that are not directly attached to your school's curriculum.Furthermore, from the hundreds of students that sign up for MOOCs, you may well find novel perspectives on economic theory.And, best of all: most MOOCs are onl y of short duration, and quite a few of them are free!No MOOC student is an island; everyone has the chance to participate in discussion and debate!MOOCs permit you to work with other Econ students remotely! Source: Pixabay Credit: Mohamad HassanInvestigate Tutoring ServicesIf the idea of an online tutor leaves you cold, you may go the more traditional route: tutoring programs through an agency.This option has quite a bit of merit: your private tutor would already be vetted â€" all qualifications verified, and you would work in a safe environment; one conducive to learning.Some agencies will strive to meet your need for an Economics tutor while others would recommend math tutoring or a tutor to improve your writing skills, depending on your expressed need.The one guarantee you can take from such an arrangement: you will be paying for far more than economics knowledge!Tutoring agency fees need to cover the business' overhead and pay salaries to administrative staff, as well as the on es doing the teaching!As a business model, it works. As the best deal for the consumer...You are the Economics student: apply Mankiw's 3rd  Principle of Economics and judge for yourself!Hopefully, we've provided you with a bit of direction in your tutor search; we wish you the best in your studies and look forward to your success!Leeds isn't the only place in the UK where you can find an economics tutor, of course. See below:Tutors LondonTutors ManchesterTutors GlasgowTutors Birmingham

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Substitution Method Online Tutoring - Maths Tutors

Substitution Method Online Tutoring - Maths Tutors A linear equation can be written in terms of a single variable, two variables or more than two variables. In order to solve a linear equation with two variables, we need another equation with two variables as well. Substitution method is one of the popular algebraic methods of solving linear equations with more than one variable. In this method, one variable is written in terms of the other and is substituted back into the equation to get the values of the unknown variables. Example 1: Solve using the substitution method given: x + y = 3 and x y = 7. In Substitution method, either x or y can be chosen to be written in terms of the other. Given x+ y = 3== y= 3 x Now substitute this value of y in the second equation, x y = 7. This gives: x (3 x) = 7==x 3 + x = 7== 2x= 7+ 3. This gives: x= 10/2== x = 5. Now y = 3- x == y= 3 5== y = -2. Example 2: Solve using the substitution method given: x + y = 5 and x y = 1. In Substitution method, either x or y can be chosen to be written in terms of the other. Given x+ y = 5== x= 5 y Now substitute this value of x in the second equation, x y = 1. This gives: (5- y) y = 1== 5 y y = 1== 5- 2y= 1== 2y= 5- 1 This gives: y= 4/2==y= 2. Now x= 5- y== x= 5 2==x= 3.

Hyperbola Solver

Hyperbola Solver Characteristic of different types of hyperbolas are given in the following table: x^2/a^2 y^2/b^2 = 1 y^2/a^2 x^2/b^2 =1 Transverse axis x- axis y- axis Conjugate axis y- axis x- axis Equation of transverse axis Y =0 X = 0 Equation of conjugate axis X = 0 Y = 0 Length of transverse axis 2 a unit 2 a unit Length of conjugate axis 2 b unit 2 b unit Coordinates of Centre (0, 0) (0, 0) Coordinate of vertices (a, 0) (0, a) Coordinates of foci (a e, 0) (0, ae) Distance between two foci 2 a e unit 2 a e unit Length of latus rectum 2 b^2 / a unit 2 b^2 / a unit Equations of latera recta x = a e y = a e Equations of directrices x = a / e Y = a / e Distance between two directrices 2 a / e unit 2 a / e unit Question1: - Find the length of the latus rectum of the hyperbola 9 y ^2 4 x^2 = 36. Solution: - 9 y ^2 4 x^2 = 36 Or, y^2/4 x^2/9 = 1 Comparing the above equation with the equation of hyperbola y^2/a^2 x^2/b^2 =1 we get, A^2= 24, therefore a =2 And b^2=9, therefore b =3 Length of its latus rectum: 2 b^2 / a = 2*3^2 / 2 = 9. Question 2: - For the same above parabola find the axes. Solution: -Transverse axis = 2a= 2*2=4 Conjugate axis = 2b= 2*3 = 6

Famous Russians

Famous Russians Who Are the Most Famous People in Russia? ChaptersFamous RussiansThe Great Russian Political FiguresEssential Russian ArtistsOther Famous Russian Figures“I love your country, Russia, its people, its historyc, its writer. My father was a communist at the time, he listened to Radio Moscow! It’s my culture, too.” - Gérard DepardieuAre you completely lost when we mention the Soviet Union, communism, or Leningrad?We’re talking about famous Russians, of course.Did you know that there were only 28 Tsars in charge of Imperial Russia from 1547 and 4 Presidents since the creation of the Russian Federation in 1991?While Vladimir Putin has spent over 5,000 days in charge of the country, political figures aren’t the only famous Russians worth talking about.In this article, we're going to look at famous Russian political figures, historical figures, artists, and the Russians that everyone should know if they're studying Russian culture or learning the Russian language. LavaRussian Teacher 5.00 (8) £25/h1st lesson free!Discove r all our tutors LarisaRussian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors InaRussian Teacher 4.88 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IrynaRussian Teacher 5.00 (8) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvgeniaRussian Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnastassiaRussian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NikolaRussian Teacher 5.00 (4) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MargaritaRussian Teacher 5.00 (3) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsFamous RussiansIvan the Terrible, The First Russian TsarIvan IV Vasilyevich was commonly known as Ivan the Terrible because of the regime he put into place during the 1560s. He led military campaigns against the Tatars, the Polish, and the Swedish. He remained head of Russia for nearly after that.Ivan the Terrible appears regularly in the arts, even in the West. He’s appeared in everything from a painting by Ilya Repin to the video gam e Age of Empires.  He’s an important figure who's responsible for starting the Tsarism in Russia.Peter I or Peter the Great, the Emperor of All RussiasThen there was Peter I (or Peter the Great), who became the Tsar of Russia in 1682, then the Emperor of all the Russias in 1721. He is famous for wanting to bring together the clergy and nobility.Saint Petersburg was named after Peter I. (Source: fitzgeraldbc)The name of the city of Saint Petersburg was inspired by this leader who founded the city and made it the capital in 1703.To show off his power, he tried to get closer to the West. Following the Great Northern War, which ended with the Treaty of Nystad, Peter gained control of the Baltic Sea and the title of Imperator.Learn more about Russia with Russian language lessons.Russian Empress Catherine the GreatCatherine II, nicknamed “Catherine the Great” was Empress of all the Russias from 1762 and was part of the Romanov Dynasty. She was married to Peter III of Russia and is o ne of the most famous women in Russian history.Did you know that Catherine II was raised by a French Huguenot, Babette Cardel, who taught her the customs of the French court?She’s known for both her foreign and domestic policies as well as all the things she mentioned in her memoirs.Nicholas II of Russia, the Last Imperial Head of StateThe last Tsar in Russia history, Nicholas II, or Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, reigned from 1894 to 1917. While the Soviets have a negative view of the tsar (owing to his opposition against the Bolsheviks), he was nicknamed Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer.In the animated Anastasia film from 1997, the protagonist's father is Nicholas II. Of course, the story is completely romanticised but there are several theories that Anastasia survived despite the other Romanovs being murdered in 1918.Under his reign, Russia grew economically, politically, and culturally.The Great Russian Political FiguresLenin, the Creator of Soviet RussiaVladimir Ilyich Ulya nov, also known as “Lenin”, was the most famous revolutionary in Russian history. He was one of the leaders who created a Soviet Russia founded on socialism, an evolution of communism. The Marxist theorist became famous following the October Revolution in 1917 that overturned the imperial regime.Lenin played a huge role in Russian history. (Source: Niko_Shogol)Lenin was also famous for his skills as an orator. In 1918, when he was on a train that was stuck in the snow, he gave a speech about the proletariat that motivated the passengers to dig the train out of the snow.Pretty convincing, right?The bloody events of the resulted in Lenin taking the role of head of state of the new Soviet Russia. He created the communist block in 1919 and installed a single-party dictatorship. He died in 1924 following an illness.Stalin, the “Dear Father” of RussiaStalin was the ideological (and elected) successor to Lenin. However, Stalinism was different to Leninism, especially with the arriv al of Gulags, the Soviet forced-labour camps. Joseph Stalin had many affectionate nicknames, including “Dear Father”.The term “Destalinisation” came about following his deaths.  He is well known for a dark period in Russian history owing to the nationalisation of land and the Great Purge (also known as the Great Terror). That said, he is still a hugely influential and famous figure.Mikhail Gorbachev, the USSR’s Last PresidentGorbachev was the leader behind the end of the Cold War as well as responsible for ending the Leninist and Stalinist communist regime in the USSR. He created economic, cultural, political programmes dubbed Perestroika and Glasnost.  Somewhat paradoxically, the Russian people hold a generally negative view of one of their most democratic leaders...He was a philanthropist, pacifist, environmentalist, and a staunch critic of the Kremlin.You should know that we won’t be talking about Putin in this article. We’ll probably have to save that for another a rticle.Find out more about Russian TV.Essential Russian ArtistsAlexander Pushkin, the Franco-Russian PoetA 19th-century Romantic poet, playwright, and novelist, Pushkin is famous for the following works:The Fountain of BakhchisarayPoltava, 1828.Mozart and Salieri, 1830.The Captain's Daughter, 1838.The Russian language and civilisation institute is called the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.Dostoevsky was also one of Russia's most famous artists. (Source: jackmac34)Nikolai Gogol, a Russian-Speaking WriterNikolai Gogol was a Russian writer of Ukranian origin who often wrote about Saint Petersburg.The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich, 1832.Nevsky Prospekt, 1835.The Portrait, 1835.Mirgorod, 1835.His earlier works were signed under the pseudonym V. Alov.  His work Revizor (18360) brought him literary fame.The Countess of Ségur, a Writer of Russian OriginBorn Sophie Rostopchine, the Countess of Ségur was her literary name. She was from a noble family and she spent her youth in Russia before marrying a French ambassador.  Her works reflect her ideology of “write what you know”.Her works help us to see the links between Russian and Western European culture.Other Famous Russian FiguresThe Myths Surrounding RasputinRasputin was a Russian mystic and is famous for influencing the Russian court.  He commonly appears as a character in the arts, be it in cinema, music, or video games.However, a lot of his life is shrouded in mystery. This has led to myths including one that claims he was the Devil in human form sent to kill the Tsars.Take a Russian course London.Olga Khokhlova, an Influential Russian ballerina.Khokhlova was one of the most influential Russians of the 20th century. She was the star dancer of the Ballets Russes directed by Sergei Diaghilev.Did you know that she was Picasso’s mistress and then his wife and had two children with him?She also inspired the painting Olga Khokhlova in the Mantilla, one of Picasso’s most famous paintings.Yuri Gagarin was also huge celebrity in Russia and is still famous today. (Source: snow-dog)Andrei Sakharov, the Most Famous Russian ScientistBorn in 1921, Andrei Sakharov was a Russian nuclear physicist who was famous for having worked on the atomic bomb. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975 for his work in fighting for human rights in the USSR (a prize that he was not allowed to go and collect so his wife had to go in his place).Did you know that the Sakharov Prize was created in 1988 by the European Union for organisations that promote human rights?For one reason or another, you should know of these famous Russians.Did you know them all? Who are the most famous?Learn more about Russian radio.If you're interested in learning more about Russian culture, you should learn more about the Russian language. Since Russian isn't the most commonly taught language in British schools, you should consider learning it through private tutorials.With private tutorials, you can get bespoke tuition and learn about all the aspects of the Russian language, culture, and history. There are three main types of private tutorials offered on Superprof: one on one private tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Private tutorials are usually the most expensive option but they also offer a bespoke service. Online tutorials are cheaper because the tutor has fewer overheads in terms of travel and can schedule more tutorials throughout the day. Finally, group tutorials are cheaper because the cost is divided between the students. However, this final option won't give you a completely tailored service.If you speak Russian and would like to tutor, it's very easy to create your profile on Superprof. Many tutors on the platform also offer the first hour of tutoring for free to entice students.

Become an Economics Tutor

Become an Economics Tutor Steps to Becoming an Economics Tutor ChaptersHow to Set Your Prices for Economics LessonsFinding Students for Your Economics LessonsPlanning Your Economics LessonsSurely you have a love for numbers, statistics and analysis; otherwise, you might not have selected economics as your major, nor would you anticipate building your career around economic principles.Whether you abide by them in your computations for a company or teach them to eager minds, you, more so than most, would be keenly aware of the laws of supply and demand, and consumer habits.Or, you may turn to the academic side of the subject you hold most dear, as these economists in India did, to discover heretofore unseen patterns that reveal inequality.Who knows? You might even win the Nobel Prize in Economics for your work, one day!The world of economics: markets and trade, behavioural economics; financial economics or even environmental economics â€" the study of environmental policies' financial impact...This world is indeed fascinating and complex... and, f or some with absolutely no head for figures, a real snoozefest!Obviously, that is not you. You have mastered the econ, written your graduate thesis, perhaps on economic development in postwar Germany...You are now looking to promote your vast stores of knowledge with the intent of gaining a solid reputation â€" and, through your work, a satisfying income as a tutor of Economics.Unfortunately these days, it is not as easy as hanging out a shingle and waiting for passersby to knock on your door.In this digital age, when commodities and futures can fluctuate more furiously than a frenzied feathered flock, there is veritable competition among tutors for students of economics (and other subjects).Likewise, every undergraduate studying economic theory endeavours to retain the very best tutoring services that provide them the greatest satisfaction for their incomes and the prices they face.According to George Mankiw, that would be the third principle of economics... right?From your perspec tive, you are most likely looking to embrace the fifth principle: equitable trade.Let Superprof now lay out the steps to becoming an economics teacher of merit, as recommended by our most successful tutors, so that you too can join their ranks. Those are obvious ways to find and retain students. But, have you thought of volunteering at your local Council or library?True, volunteering runs counter to the principle of earning a living, but on the other hand: doing so gives you exposure to a broader client base.Economics students don't only haunt college campuses.You may find a  richer teaching experience by instructing a more diverse student body, perhaps consisting of:senior citizens looking for an education on investment and mortgage prior to retiringcivil service hopefuls who need a better grasp on economic analysis for their examadventurous world travellers looking to learn more about their future home country's economics, or the global economy in general.You could also create a S uperprof tutor profile free of charge, wherein you list your teaching and learning experience. You may even opt to teach online or at clients' homes!One demographic is strangely lacking from the world of economics, and may particularly benefit from your mentoring.In spite of the controversy surrounding the Nobel Prize in Economics â€" most notably the snub of economist Joan Robinson, the award has been distributed 48 times... but only once to a female.Find some online tutoring jobs here.Perhaps you could make it your mission to recruit more females into the world of economics!Planning your lessons can take any form, as long as it remains flexible Source: Pixabay Credit: RayedigitaldesignsPlanning Your Economics LessonsThanks to your competitive pricing and aggressive canvassing for students, you now have most of your nights and all of your weekends booked.Perhaps you will host a seminar for all of your macroeconomics and microeconomics students.Or, you might consider workshops for g roups learning about one specific aspect of the discipline: labour economics perhaps, or international economics.Although these are great ideas to plunge yourself into the lucrative world of private tutoring, most likely, the bulk of your work will be as a one to one instructor.Should that be the case, the most reliable tool you will have to organize your teaching and mark quantitative progress would be by drafting lesson plans for each of your charges.Perhaps the best aspect of formulating lesson plans is that they incorporate time within the lesson for flexibility and spontaneity.Because Economics is not the most spirited of subjects, it is important to render it interesting, perhaps through debate or an energetic QA session, all of which should fit within the framework of the lesson at hand.Any experienced teacher will tell you that it is so easy to be thrown off-track by a theme parallel to the topic you should be discussing.A lesson plan focuses your time in such a way that suc h discussions are permitted, as long as you keep an eye on the clock.The organized teacher structures his/her lessons the same way:Warm-up: around 5 minutes to greet your student, exploring retention of last week's materialIntroduction of new materialPractice what has just been learned, perhaps using worksheetsProduction: this is where your student works on his/her ownReview: the last few minutes of the lesson; you may discuss just-learned concepts or preview next week's lessonIf you, like most tutors, instruct in hourly increments, you may find this breakdown easy to follow and adjust for each of your students.If you have never created a lesson plan, there are several approaches to it, as well as several templates available for download.Becoming a tutor of Economics is a multi-faceted endeavour that requires a lot of knowledge, planning, skill and ability.You are most surely up to the task; we hope to have provided you with additional information to help you succeed in your venture .